RegQuest’s fourth module, Workers’ Compensation Utilization Management, reviews state workers’ compensation laws and regulations. The information is broken down by state, and into four categories: Monopolistic, Not Regulated, Regulated – No License, and Regulated – License or State Contract Required. The information focuses on several key components related to each states’ unique statutes and regulations, including: scope and applicability, regulatory contact information, licensure/certification requirements, program requirements, reviewer qualifications, and reviews and appeals. In addition to providing substantive information, each cited statute and regulation is hyperlinked for easy access to the applicable code and/or law. As with our other modules, all research is updated and vetted by a team of legal and regulatory experts.
In this highly complex industry, it is important to ensure compliance with state regulations and laws. RegQuest’s Workers’ Compensation Utilization Management module is an essential tool in remaining appraised of developments in this ever-changing landscape.